Where is the Bradford Farmers’ Market located?

Find us in the parking lot of the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library at 425 Holland Street West.

Directions to Bradford Farmers Market

When is the market open?

The market is open from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM every Saturday from May 18th until October 12th 2024.

Is the Bradford Farmers’ Market a “real” farmers’ market?

Absolutely!  We are registered with Farmers’ Market Ontario, and our markets’ producers really grow their products!  Talk to them individually, learn about their passion for their craft, you won’t be disappointed.  Please note – in some cases, our farmers purchase from other local farmers.  This is because some produce just doesn’t grow in our area; peaches and cherries, for example.  However, our market by-laws stipulate that all products must be grown within 100 kilometres of Bradford.

Do you sell organic products at the market?

Some of our vendors do have certified organic products, others are not certified but do have pesticide free products.  Get to know your farmers, learn their growing practices and let them know what is important to you!

What should I bring to the market?

Bring your own shopping bags!  Bring your free spirit, you just might see something unique and different at the market and it could change your plans for dinner! 

How can I become a vendor?

The first step is to read the Rules and Regulations & Code of Conduct documents found on our Vendor Applications page.  After that, if you think you’ll be a good fit, fill in the Vendor Application and email it to us.  The Board of Directors will then review your application and get back to you.

What methods of payment do vendors accept?

Most of our vendors (but not all) accept cash, credit and debit. 

How can I get in contact with you?

Visit our contact us page for details.